🔧Configuring Google-Service files

Since this project includes several Firebase libraries and it setup, you should change the google-service files for both Android & iOS. It requires you to have a Firebase project that has an Android app, or iOS app, or both that created using the exact same bundle-id and package-name like the one you passed at the previous steps. If you didn't change your Google-Service files then the build might fails because compiler can't found your bundle-id and package-name inside the default Google-Service files from WRNS.

To change it with your own Google-Service files you need to create two Android apps and two iOS apps in Firebase console. Yes, two, because you need to fill in both QA & Production env.

🍏 Configuring iOS-side

  1. Download both QA & Production GoogleService-Info.plist from Firebase console. Usually i place the downloaded file in Downloads folder in my Mac.

  2. Copy the whole content of newly downloaded QA GoogleService-Info.plist.

  3. Replace the content of ios/PizzaApp/Firebase/QA/GoogleService-Info.plist with the copied content.

  4. For Production env it's just the same process as above, download and copy the whole content of newly downloaded Production GoogleService-Info.plist, then replace the content of ios/PizzaApp/Firebase/Production/GoogleService-Info.plist, and not ios/PizzaApp/Firebase/QA/GoogleService-Info.plist file.

🤖 Configuring Android-side

  1. Download both QA & Production google-services.json from Firebase console.

  2. Copy the whole content of newly downloaded QA google-services.json.

  3. Replace the content of android/app/src/qa/google-services.json with the copied content.

  4. For Production env it's just the same process as above, download and copy the whole content of newly downloaded Production google-services.json, then replace the content of android/app/google-services.json, and not android/app/src/qa/google-services.json file.

Last updated